Vincent Morneau
There are 3 main button types described in material design. All buttons can have a wave effect. Click on a button to see.
The raised button is a standard button that signify actions and seek to give depth to a mostly flat page.
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON
Template: Text
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
The outlined button is like a raised button, with transparent background and borders instead.
Flat buttons are usually used within elements that already have depth like cards or modals.
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON5
Template: Text
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectRed
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON6
Template: Text
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
Floating Action Button
If you want a fixed floating action button, you can add multiple actions that will appear on hover. Our demo is in the bottom righthand corner of the page.
Standard FAB
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON_FAB
Template: Floating Action Button
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
PositionFixed - Bottom Right
Horizontal FAB
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON_FAB_2
Template: Floating Action Button
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
PositionInside the Parent
DirectionLeftDirection FAB menu opens. Can be 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
Open BehaviorHoverDetermines if the FAB opens using Hover or Click
Click to Toggle FAB
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON_FAB_2_1
Template: Floating Action Button
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
PositionInside the Parent
DirectionLeftDirection FAB menu opens. Can be 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
Open BehaviorClickDetermines if the FAB opens using Hover or Click
FAB to Toolbar
To use FAB Toolbar, ensure your buttons templates are set to HOT.
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON_FAB_2_1_1
Template: Floating Action Button
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
PositionInside the Parent
DirectionTopDirection FAB menu opens. Can be 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
Open BehaviorHoverDetermines if the FAB opens using Hover or Click
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON9
Template: Text
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Wave EffectLight
Full Column Width
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON10
Template: Text
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
Full Column WidthYesThis makes the button to be 100% of the width of it's container.
Wave EffectLight
Grid AttributeValue
New GridNo
New Grid RowYes
New Grid ColumnNo
Grid Column4
Grid Column Span6
Grid Column Span6
Inline Buttons
Selected Template Options
Component Name: BUTTON11
Template: Floating Action Button
Template OptionValue(s)Comments
Use DefaultYes
PulseYesDraw attention to your buttons with this subtle but captivating effect.
Wave EffectLight
PositionInside the Parent
DirectionTopDirection FAB menu opens. Can be 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
Open BehaviorHoverDetermines if the FAB opens using Hover or Click